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A magic night@Phebe – For ladies only

发表于 2011-9-26 20:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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OK, here is Phebe’s Ladies Night! Have a good time and lose your mind in the middle of the week! You deserve this dance break!) v) x! q  q& f( |4 F5 k
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Openbar offers a great special for ladies every Wednesday. Free Cocktails & Tequila、beers and so on for Ladies who arrive before Midnight! You will be enjoying a full night of fun, exciting and crazy. Beautiful lasers create a luxurious atmosphere! Ladies Get Ready!& K9 Z+ x# ^1 @( [0 i
9 J6 g2 ?6 v) T* X1 X
Music: Hip-hop  Mashup  R&B7 R- m0 Y# B3 Z9 t1 g

' `7 U  n# R# E# R' I8 \Guests: DJ YUKI  DJ ISSA LEE  DJ YOUNG  DJ AARON
, E; P6 r" L/ a1 g4 B+ g' l8 w1 e# g! h4 Q0 ^' @" T3 {
For more information about Ladies Night and upcoming parties, please don’t hesitate to contact Phebe 3D Club,TEL: 021*6555 9998. Add: NO.10 Hengshan RD. SH. Micro Blog:http://weibo.com/phebesh0 z  C8 B' B; p+ B& p


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